Saturday, July 4, 2015

Foster-Kitten Fun!

Sometimes you have to step outside of your routine and do something new, right? 

So we're fostering a kitten for the first time, ever. This is "Jessica," 14 weeks old:
(Photo courtesy of LUXE Paws.)

She was named by the wonderful cat-rescue group that saved her after her feral momma gave birth to a litter in the neighborhood. Jessie's super-sweet and loving. She purrs as soon as you enter the room:

 She has the most adorable polka-dotted belly:

Pretty much every pose she strikes is model-worthy:

She has these fabulous, dark tabby lines on her, and this elongated bull's-eye mark on each side:

She loves to lick our fingers:

We're absolutely smitten:

That belly, again! Can't get enough of it!:

I'm thrilled to find that taking care of Jessica for a few weeks isn't that hard. It's mostly just keeping her company, playing with and holding her a lot:

 Sometimes she naps:

And sometimes she plays:

With her appealing good looks, she'll probably be adopted soon:

The great thing is this particular rescue group does all the advertising and finding-a-home stuff for the kittens and cats it rescues. All I have to do is offer Jessie love and companionship:

And take cute photos of her:

And slooooowly introduce her to the other critters in the house:

Fostering a cat or kitten, a dog or puppy is surprisingly simple. Find local rescue groups in your neighborhood by going online to learn how you can do it, too.

It's fun! It's easy. And it saves lives.