Saturday, June 13, 2015

More Kitten Cuteness

The four foster kittens at the home of Lovely Daughter #1 are all thriving. It turns out the one with the gimpy paw, "Captain Hook," is the only girl. Here's LD#1's cat, Olivia, checking out one of the boys:

The agency that is behind the foster put together this montage photo of LD#1 and the kittens:

 (Nice eyeliner, LD!)

Home from his trip to Europe and hanging out with us for a few weeks, The Boy met this beautiful kitten. Her name is "Cleo":

She's the new "forever" cat at the home of a friend:

And just to keep the pugs from feeling jealous, here's Won Ton enjoying an outing at one of our favorite local coffee houses:

Kittens are adorable, but I'm sticking with pugs. For now.

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