Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Boy Graduates!

That little blob (in the stroller) in this lineup of cousins:

That cutie-pie toddler at the helm of his imaginary vehicle:

That grade-schooler shooting up intergalactic bad guys:

That youngest grandchild of Edie's and Chuck's, loved by all:

That (slightly dorky) Bar Mitzvah boy, flanked by his dad and his dad's dad (of blessed memory):

That teen boy besotted with his puppy:

That student who made us proud:

That prom date with the killer good looks:

That athlete (with the knee brace) that wowed:

That teenager opening up his checking account the first week of college:

That brother beloved by two sisters:

That young man I love beyond all description:

He has graduated! Congratulations, son. Onward and upward!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely wonderful! It tugged at my heartstrings. xoxo
