Wednesday, February 25, 2015

I'm in Love with Otis

 Remember Otis, the pit bull my friends adopted on Valentine's Day? I finally got to meet him:

And I'm in love:

He's got the thickest neck, and the blockiest head, and these bitty little ears (because some horrible person thought it'd make him look fiercer):

He does that Big-Dog Lean, which just cracks me up. My dogs are too little for it:

He's got the most beautiful silvery coat:

And that gaze! It just stops me in my tracks:

Those are the yahoos he lives with. That's Monty the mutt (well, that's his butt, anyway), Lucy Loo the Chiweenie, and Ethel (another pittie, but with quite different looks):

From Day One, Otis has fit right in with the posse. They act as if he's their brother-from-another-mother:

Speaking of, this is his hoomin mother. The affection between them is obvious:

And wet. And sorta sloppy:

Otis is pure love:

I'm so thrilled he found a home where he can express that, for the rest of his furry days.

1 comment:

  1. love your post thank you so much for coming and visiting the family. You are always welcome. XO
