Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Meryl Streep, Raquel Welch, and Me

A few days ago, Lovely Daughter #1 texted me. "Google-image 'older hair colors,'" she said.

So I did. This is what I found when I scrolled down a little bit.

That's me, on the far left in the second row. I'm bookending a row of lovelies with Meryl Streep. Right below me is Raquel Welch.

Hee hee! Only on Da Interwebs....


  1. Oh my goodness--how fun! My beautiful silver-beauty sister! (How did your picture get there?)

    1. I don't know! I don't even know how Lovely Daughter #1 found this. She's too busy helping pediatric cardio patients right now to tell me!
