Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Too Hot For Stock

It is unbearably hot in Los Angeles this week. The only safe way to go out in the middle of the day is inside an air-conditioned car:

All summer long, I've been making stock out of the best of the season's food--corn on the cob, zucchini, summer squash, fresh tomatoes, BBQ'd chicken. I've rendered the scraps down:

Until they make a delightfully tasty stock:

I've strained the stock until it's clear and fat-free, poured it into zip-style bags, and popped them in the freezer:

In this horrible heat wave, nobody wants to eat a hearty soup. So the bags of stock pile up like unread books on a shelf:

I can't wait until the weather cools down enough to start making soup....

...and wearing Fall clothing, like this polka-dot sweater dress from Garnet Hill.