Monday, September 8, 2014


Yesterday Pao Pao and Med School Bestie (Lovely Daughter #1's housemate and best friend) went on a hike in the hills:

It was a fund-raiser--"Strut Your Mutt"--put on by Best Friends Animal Society. P-Dub and MSB raised money to help homeless dogs and cats in the Los Angeles area. (Way to go, guys!) An army of animal-lovers and dogs (mutts and purebreds alike) hit the trails at Will Rogers State Park, raising more than $592,000 for the cause. They are sooooo close to reaching their goal of $600,000.

(The pug on the left looks SO much like my Mu Shu, but it's just a pug Pao met on the trail.)

To help make it happen, you can contribute by going here. Any contributions received before October 11 still count.

"Best Friends" is one of the best--and largest--animal advocacy groups in Los Angeles, with dozens of terrific programs: They fund low-cost and no-cost spay and neuter clinics. They help educate people on responsible pet ownership. They help relieve overcrowded L.A. city shelters by rescuing animals. And they run a no-kill shelter for cats and dogs.

Here's Med School Bestie (on the left) with some of his friends:

Doesn't he have the cutest smile?:

I meant the man (but my dog can smile, too):

Pug and Man. Raising money for a humanitarian cause. They're my Pug-Man-itarians!

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