Friday, September 19, 2014

Box o' Shooz

A few days ago, I was out walking Pao Pao, wondering if I'd find anything interesting by the side of the road. We walked down an alley, and I actually said out loud to him, "Well, I guess we won't find anything today."

And that's when I found a box of shoes, all in good condition. The variety of them cracked me up. Did they all belong to one woman? What a contradiction she must be!

There were sky-high heels suitable for hitting the clubs:

Some casual sandals:

Slightly quirky blue suede boots with wooden soles:

And some brand-new, never-been-worn hiking boots with the tags still on them:

Vibram soles. Great construction. Perfectly clean:

Guess which pair attracted me the most?

Was it the hiking boots? I admit, I was intrigued. But they weren't my size. And I already have a very new pair I'm working to break in. 

Nope, it was the stripper shoes. Couldn't resist putting the on for a minute. God, what torture! Off they all went to Goodwill.


  1. My goodness -- what a waste to just throw them out! Perhaps the neighbors know about you and your pug brigade, and were (lazily) depending on you to find them a new home? At any rate, “good on ‘ya”! (…and how fun to try on a pair of “sipping whiskey” shoes, as our Nana called them. :-)

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