Monday, August 11, 2014

Pug Meetup, Pug Tattoos

Lovely Daughter #1 is halfway through a month-long stint in New York City. Since she's a fourth-year medical student now, she's doing an Emergency-Medicine rotation at a hospital on Manhattan's West Side. She's loving it--the ER work, the buzz of the city, the wonderful foodie haens. But she misses our pugs. 

Solution? Attend a Pug Meetup! These are photos she sent me from the gathering. Of course, there were lots of pugs: 

And hugs and kisses and petting:

And more than a little butt-sniffing:

But there were also some awesome pug tattoos. Here we have Color-Blocked Pug:

This guy wins the tattoo award, though:

Look at his hand: SteamPug!:

And the one on his leg is just priceless:

Gotta love a guy who goes to such lengths to show his Pug Devotion to the world.