Wednesday, July 23, 2014

One Super Market

A supermarket in my neighborhood recently revamped itself into a super-supermarket. I visited yesterday for the first time and was agog. Inside its cavernous interior, there's a full-size sushi bar. And an in-house Starbuck's. And a "boutique" selling nothing but reusable shopping bags (Los Angeles banned plastic grocery sacks starting this year.)

There were some kind of scary products, too. SPAM Lite? Turkey SPAM? Who knew?:

Euwwww. No.

I was thrilled to find canned, wild-caught salmon (on the right, below). I try to only buy wild-caught salmon (better for the environment), but I've never seen it canned. (I use it in a very yummy salmon loaf. Maybe I'll share the recipe with you, soon.):

I was also thrilled to find kosher, organic chicken. Up until now, this supermarket has only carried kosher or organic. You had to choose one or the other. Now, I can get both together:

The supermarket has two floors of parking underneath its massive acreage, so to get your shopping cart down to the parking lot, you pop it in the escalator on the left while you ride down the escalator on the right:

So cute! I wonder what treasures I'll find the next time I buy groceries?

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