Sunday, June 22, 2014

Boston in May

 The Hubby, The Boy, and I were in Boston recently:

We were there to witness Harvard's 363rd commencement ceremony. Yup, you read that right: three-hundred-sixty-third!

 Lovely Daughter #2 received her Masters' degree:

Harvard graduation is a huge affair, literally. All the undergraduates AND graduates gather together to mark the occasion. Harvard Yard was a sea of black and crimson:

I loved this woman's outfit, so chic and perfect for the weather:

And I loved this man's attempt to get the shot he wanted:

Of course, this is what it was all about for us: the happy graduate, with her favorite professor. The little embellishments on the fronts of their robes are called "crow's-feet." The reason why has been lost in time. The different colors indicate the different schools granting the degree:

Like most graduations, there was pomp and ceremony:

And mortarboards and friends:

 And there were some very, very proud parents:

 Congratulations, LD#2!

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