Saturday, April 12, 2014


While on a walk a few days ago, Pao Pao and I met an English Mastiff. He was only one year old, and it was hard to get a clear picture of him because he swirled around Pao Pao in his excitement:

His name was "Maximus." Good choice! He was huuuuuge. 

He was like a "maxi" version of Pao. It cracks me up, how much this breed looks like a pug that's been blown up to giant proportions: the same floppy, velvet ears; the dark coloring on the muzzle, eyes, and ears; the wrinkly forehead, the short, soft coat:

Right down to the "beauty spot" that both breeds have at the outer edge of their "masks":


Mini-Me and Maxi-Me: Brothers from different mothers.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos -- wish I could have seen the interaction in person. Bless Pao’s heart, he’s a real social sweetheart-- with no fear!
