Sunday, April 20, 2014

Doxie Visit

A few weeks ago we had the pleasure over a long weekend of hosting the inimitable "Scamper," my friend's Dachshund. "Scampie" arrived with his own tote bag filled with leash, bowl, kibble, and a tee shirt from his human sister so he wouldn't miss his family too much:

We lent him a temporary red-and-rhinestone collar so if he got away from us, our phone number was on him:

"I has a shape; sausage iz a shape!:

He settled right into our pugs' routine, going on walks and sniffing rocks:

(I accidentally had some retro-style filter on my cell phone camera when I snapped some of these.)

He enjoyed checking out my rose garden:

Heh. Doxie butt. Gotta love it!

Scampie enthusiastically tried to tear the stuffing out of all the pugs' soft toys before I wised up and hid them all. Only hard chew toys for you, buster!:

Perhaps his most endearing move was how he settled right into the Dog Pile for group naps:

We love you, Scampie!

Thanks for visiting us!

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