Sunday, January 26, 2014

Olivia Wild

 This is Olivia Wilde. A beautiful gal, for sure:

But this post is about another beautiful gal: "Olivia Wild," no "e" at the end, formerly known as "Adventure Cat":

In the past nine weeks, we have had a great time getting to know her, and to watch her interact with our three pugs:

And strike silly poses:

And check out what's tasty on the kitchen counters:

We've noticed she gravitates to places that show off her beauty, especially if there are flowers nearby:

She is very fond of flowers:

She has joined us for afternoon tea:

And for snuggles on the sofa:

 And for snuggles, in general:

And now, Miss Olivia Wild, it's time for your next adventure. You are moving from our house to your Forever Home, with Lovely Daughter #1. You've come a long way since we first set eyes on you, when you were a hungry, feral thing:

Who was very, very tiny:

And had kinda stumpy, short legs:

Best of luck in your Forever Home, beautiful girl, and may you live long and prosper:

And don't forget us--your first, foster home.


  1. Such a sweet, beautiful tribute to dear Olivia! I’ll be thinking of her, and all of you, as she continues her journey to discovering the wonders of the safe, happy life that your, and Lovely Daughter #1’s, compassionate intervention guaranteed for her. You all did good! xoxo
