Monday, November 4, 2013

Two Pugs, Blue Chair

When The Hubby and I travel out of town, our pugs have a vacation, too. Luckily, they LOVE their boarding facility. 

It has a play room with lots of pillows and low beds for napping on. There's a separate room for mealtime, and another, "overnight" room with wall-to-wall cozy blankies and pillows for sleepovers. There's a guy who sometimes plays music for them on his flute or a drum. And the pugs go on a daily walk with a small pack of dogs.

We get the occasional photo Tweet, like this one, showing us how the boys are having a good time. Here's Pao Pao and Mu Shu, sharing a brotherly moment. Do you think they picked a blue chair because they know it's my favorite color?

Good doggies.

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