Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

To celebrate Halloween, I made a recipe from Ladies' Home Journal's October 2013 issue--"Monster Cookies":

They're a mashup of chocolate-chip and chocolate-chocolate chip dough, studded with broken-up bits of Halloween candy:

And some mini-pretzels for a salty crunch:

The two doughs are smushed together, so they have a kind of a "Frankenstein's Monster" look:

The only thing I wouldn't do again is use Candy Corn. It tended to melt:

But they are yummy! I've got my handouts ready for the little goblins:

And although I don't dress up the pugs--they don't like it--Pao was kind enough to let me snap him in his sunglasses:

Happy Trick-or-Treating!

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