Monday, October 14, 2013

Garage-Sale Bust

This past weekend, two die-hard collectors had a garage sale in my neighborhood. They were moving in together, and tons of their stuff had to go.

This pretty bust caught my eye:

She's just plaster, nothing fancy. But I have always wanted a statue like this. And I got her for a steal.

She's a little beat up; the chips show a lot because of her dark color.

I think I'll keep her black until after Halloween, then I'll spray-paint her white.

She'll probably go on my bedroom's dresser. For some reason, she reminds me a bit of my Nana.

I like to think she'd approve.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! And I agree -- her peaceful expression is the very same as our Nana's in the picture on my desk. :-)
