Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blue Bottle from Barcelona

Did I tell you? I brought a piece of trash all the way home from Barcelona. Well, it was probably trash to the restaurant; to me it was a piece of cobalt-colored beauty. When The Hubby and I dined at Els 4 Gats ("the four cats"), I fell in love with the bottle our water came in. (It's almost impossible to get a glass of tap water at a restaurant or cafe in Europe; you have to order it by the bottle.) You can see the dark blue object of my affection lurking in the back of this photo:

I spent my dinner alternately raving about the yummy food and freaking out about how I was going to sneak the water bottle out of the restaurant without getting tackled by an irate waiter.

Okay, I may have overdramatized a bit. Turns out, I just walked out with it, and nobody blinked an eye.

The Hubby may have laughed at me. A bit. Anyhow, the bottle is now mine, and Oh! how I love it:

Something so amazing about blue; I don't know what it is.

But it is.

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