Sunday, September 1, 2013


Today is my oldest sister's and brother-in-law's 50th wedding anniversary...their Golden Anniversary. So many marriages implode after just a few years. It's a real inspiration to be an up-close witness to one that had endured for half a century.

Here's one of their wedding photos. I'm the little "junior bridesmaid" in white bobby socks, and to just behind me, on the bride's right side, is our other sister. I think we all look adorable, right down to the super-skinny groom:

Here's a less formal shot, from the reception afterward:

This is what might be my favorite photo of the entire day. That's one of my little cousins standing next to the bride. He and his little brother spent the entire reception hanging out near the cake. They couldn't wait to get a piece!

This is a shot taken last year, at the informal "day-after" brunch following another family wedding. My sister and brother-in-law, along with My Boy and Lovely Daughter #1, were cracking up at my brother-in-law's mugging for the camera:

Through all the ups and downs, and twists and turns of life, my remarkable sister and her inimitable husband have been my lodestone, my guiding light, my almost-other-parents. I love you guys. Happy Anniversary!

1 comment:

  1. Love all of this, Sis - especially the fun picture at last year's family wedding gathering. Thanks for the lovely journey back in time. Thanks for helping to make our 50th special, and for your touching accolades. Love you!
