Monday, July 15, 2013

New Use for an Old Hutch

You might remember that a few months ago I dragged home a hutch I found in the alley:

I've had fun dressing up the top of it to show off some of my china and to reflect the holidays, like the Fourth of July:

But I've largely ignored the storage space underneath the hutch:

This past weekend I realized the cabinetry below the hutch would be the perfect place for my flower-arranging things. Up 'til now, I stowed them above the dryer in the laundry room:

But they weren't conveniently located. By moving these items to the hutch, they are closer to the front door, where I go out to gather my roses. And now they are also closer to the kitchen sink, where I strip leaves, re-cut stems, and fill vases with water.

So I made the switch:

(I also tucked a basket of vitamins down there, which I want within arm's reach of the kitchen table.)

And then I had two empty shelves above my dryer. Yay, newly reclaimed space!:

I cleaned the shelving, then moved in a collection of spray paints, chalk paint, and such that had been loitering about on the laundry room counter, looking for a better home:

Ah! That's better!

Still lots of room to spare:

Sometimes, having more space means re-thinking the space you already have:

 And now, on to more creative things, like flower arranging!:

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