Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mimicking "Country Living" magazine

A few days back, I was fussing in this blog about how I'm not very good at "fluffing" the objects on the cute hutch I rescued out of an alley:

I have a friend in Michigan who owns and operates the most wonderful cheese-and-fancy-food shop (you really must go visit!). She saw my post and commented that the hutch is similar to the June 2013 cover of "Country Living" magazine. Well, if by similar, you mean their fluffing is waaaaay more cute:

But then I got to wondering: Could I re-create the CL photo? But maybe in different colors, because I don't own many red or yellow things. Blue and green, I can do. So I dragged out stuff from my kitchen, living room, even my guest bedroom, and got busy.

This was their top shelf:

And here was my re-creation of it. (I didn't have any cute chicken-egg-cups, but I thought the shape of the two little creamers was reminiscent of the birds.):

This was their berry basket with citrus:

And this was mine. I especially like how close to the mark I got on the enamelized cannisters:

This was their pitcher of flowers:

And this was mine. I did a poor job of replicating the angle of the photo, but oh well. This pitcher, below, is a Limoges chocolate pot that belonged to my great- or great-great-grandmother. I usually don't move it around much, and I never use it, for fear of breaking something so old. So it was kind of nice to fill it with roses and treat it "regular" for a while:

Their white china cups with faceted sides:

And my white china cups with faceted sides:

I left the upper left-hand space empty, as they did, because that's where a lot of the type for the magazine went. Their cover:

And my "cover":

It was a fun exercise, but the precious pieces have to go back to where they are safer.  And I need to put the shelves back to the way they were, which works fine for me:

And for Mu Shu, too!


  1. You are too sweet :) You did a great job with the copycat-it's funny isn't it, how sometimes no matter how great it looks in a magazine, it might not be "you"!! I think it looks great as "you"! btw-I am completely envious of your tomato harvest...

  2. I actually really like the last photo of the "back to normal" look-- it looks great!

    1. Thanks--that's how I'm keeping it, at least for now.
