Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Boston, Fast and Furious

Over Memorial Day weekend, The Hubby and I went to Boston for a fast visit with Lovely Daughter #2. We bought her a few gifts for her birthday, which arrives in a few days. These cool cream-and-black Ray-Ban glasses were the biggest part of the gift:

Looking sharp, Sweetie!

We had a great time eating out. I especially loved the cannoli in the North End, the city's Italian neighborhood. We also had a great time eating in. Here's a brunch we made, with fresh cherries and strawberries, home-made scones with Craisins, scrambled eggs, and home-made pancakes:

We walked and walked and walked. (Boston is a very walker-friendly town.) We crawled all over the North End and Beacon Hill and the Freedom Trail and ran into a silly sign on the campus of MIT:

I achieved my wish of visiting the bridge with the Smoot markings on it. Don't know about Smoots? Go here for the full story:

Of course my Pug Radar was in full effect. This is "Ernie," a three-year-old rescue pug. While I talked with one of his owners about his dog, Lovely Daughter #2 talked with the other and found out that both owners graduated from Harvard Divinity School, about 10 or 15 years ago. They even knew some of her professors. Small world!

LD#2 and I did a lot of window shopping. As usual, I was on the prowl for All Things Polka Dot. I found these lovely napkins at Anthropologie:

Ah! Another pug. This one is "Doughnut," an adorable three-month-old we met while he was cavorting on the Boston Commons with his family:

It was a fun, fast trip. On the way from LAX back to our car, I got to meet one last cutie-pie dog. This is "Buddy," a French Bulldog. He sat on my lap for the 10-minute ride from airport to parking lot:

A great time was had by all. We'll be back, Boston, in the fall. There's at least one cannolo with my name on it...

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