Friday, May 31, 2013

A Roundup of Cuteness

Here's a roundup of various things I've snapped in the last few months that didn't make it into any other post. What do they have in common? Cuteness!

A sleeveless blouse I saw in Anthropologie. It needs a good ironing, but I love the polka dots with tails--or are they balloons?--and the stand-up ruffled collar:

This little girl is a French Bulldog/Boston Terrier cross I met at my local Starbucks. She has the most unusual eyes--palest blue and midnight blue, in a splotchy formation:

Her owner's favorite drink is iced coffee with cream. She loves it so much, she named the little dog "Starbucks"!

The Hubby runs on weekend mornings. He was still in his running gear one recent Saturday when I caught  all three pugs, waiting in rapt silence for some treat he was chopping up to be handed out:

Bundled-up baby fruit bats. What could be cuter than this?:

 photo: Luke Marsden/Newspix/Rex USA

Okay, some might say this is scary-looking. But to me, Pao Pao in a full-on yawn is cute:

This one makes me crack up every time:

 photo: (I think?)

 And yes, I've showed Ernie before. He's the three-year-old rescued pug I met in Boston last week. But I just can't get over his patriotic duds, his hilarious downturned mouth,  and his gourd-shaped body above his eensy-teensy feet:

Last, it's a berry. Just a photo of a strawberry on my jeans-clad knee. But, I dunno, it strikes me as ridiculously cute:

Have a happy Friday, folks.

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