Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tea and Biscuit Tins

The Lovely Daughter #1 recently stopped briefly in London on a flight from Los Angeles to Dubai. She saw some adorable tea and cookie canisters in the London gift shops. Smart girl, she knew her momma would like them. So on her way back, she had about five minutes in London between flights. Since she'd already cased out the joint, she swooped in and picked up these darling canisters in no time flat:

First up, this gorgeous tin of Earl Grey. I love the colors and the gold swirls:

"Old Silver Tea Pot" turns out to be a pretty normal black tea, but what a cute tin!:

A large tin of cookies, a.k.a. "biscuits," also fondly called "bikkies." I can't wait to open them!:

And for those of you taking note, yes, the aqua of the Earl Grey exactly matches the cookie tin, because Fortnum & Mason is terrific like that:

Lastly, this adorable tin with black and white Scotty dogs on it:

And this is what's inside:

Cookies almost one-third pure butter! Oh, my. Somebody put the kettle on. Time for tea and bikkies.

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