Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pale-Green Love

Last Sunday, some beautiful things fell into my lap, all in the same beautiful, pale-green shade. Two eggs from an Auracana chicken:

A box (and a bag, for that matter!) containing my favorite Parisian macarons:

And some just-picked-that-morning Fava beans:

The eggs and Fava beans were from a neighbor's organic garden and chicken-raising enterprise. The cookies were from another neighbor, who brought a box for me on her way back from Paris. It's uncanny how closely the eggs and the macaron box are in color:

Fava beans, when fresh, are softly furred and very pliable--not at all like the nasty, hard things I usually see in the grocery store. Fresh Favas are also very easy to peel. I cooked them briefly in boiling, salted water, then tossed them with some cherry tomatoes, goat cheese and olive oil to serve over a bed of linguine for Sunday dinner.

And of course we had  macarons for dessert.

I am blessed with the loveliest neighbors.

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