Thursday, April 25, 2013

New "Silver Beauties" Crush

I have a new "Silver Beauties" crush. Her name is Linda Rodin, and she lives in New York City with her rescued poodle, "Wink":

photo credit: Ari Seth Cohen, of Advanced Style

Omigosh, how I love this woman's style!

 photo credit: Ari Seth Cohen, of Advanced Style

Ms. Rodin is a model-turned skin-care maven (her line of products is here) and a stylist to big-name modeling gigs, like Victoria's Secret. She has such flair!

She's just a few years older than I. Could I pull off her looks? I've already got the long, silvery hair. I've got the tortoise-shell glasses:

And now I've got the lipstick, just $8.50 at your local drug store:

Revlon's Super Lustrous Lipstick in "Wild Orchid":

But can I emulate this gal's moxie?

We shall see....


  1. Normally I just lurk here (found your web site while researching gray hair) but I just have to add my two cents to this post.

    After seeing the photo of your Mad Men twist for a party, you DEFINITELY have the looks AND the moxie to pull it off! And I look forward to reading all about it!

    Love your blog!

    1. Aww. Thank you! You make me feel a little bit braver.
