Sunday, March 24, 2013

Orange: A Color to Love?

It's pretty well known in my family that I don't like the color orange. It's so brash, so cartoonish, so clownish.  I don't wear anything orange, and there's nothing orange in my home's decor.

And yet, there are some oranges in Nature--actually in and around my house--that I think are delightful. The Clivea in my yard:

Simply glorious this time of year!

A rose called "Chris Evert" that I would never, ever have ordered, had I known it would look like this:

And yet it's such a riot of sunset colors, especially orange, that I forgive it for not being the pale, whipped-butter-yellow flower I thought I was ordering:

And Ojai "Pixie" tangerines. If you've never had one, PLEASE go out and find some.

They are the sweetest, most intense citrus I've ever found. Far sweeter than a regular mandarine, or a tangerine, or even a "Cutie." These will redefine your idea of a California citrus:

They are intensely orange in taste, smell, and looks. So, yeah, there are times when I love orange!

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