Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Clutter Busting: My Bulletin Board

 I'm on a clutter-busting campaign. Yesterday I streamlined my bulletin board. Here it is, above my desk (complete with pug butt, below):

For years I've loved the happy mishmash of favorite things tacked up on the board:

They delight my eye when I sit and write--or at least, try to write:

But lately I've been feeling like it's time to try something more restrained, less throw-a-bunch-of-stuff-at-it-and-see-if-it-sticks:

Aaaand, the fact is, when your bulletin board or inspiration board is four layers deep, you get dust. Euwwww:

So yesterday I pulled everything off the board. I seamed up the edges on a scrap of white fabric I had kicking around and pinned it into place with thumbtacks. The edges aren't perfect, but I am gambling that nobody will notice that when things are back in place:

I tacked up just a selection of the stuff I had before. One thing I wanted to include was a few bits of 3D stuff, to add dimension:

So, here's the Before:

And here's the After. I like it. There's room to breathe now. I can more appreciate what's pinned up. There's even room to add a few more things:

But this time around, I'll keep things only one layer deep!

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