Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Fave New Book

 I am so excited about this book, which hit the shelves yesterday:

It's a fantastic memoir by Alison Singh Gee, formerly of Asiaweek and People magazine. Singh Gee chronicles her life in Hong Kong, working by day as a journalist in Jimmy Choo heels, and enjoying nightly cocktail parties with the Smart Set. Her world turns upside down when she falls for a handsome man of very modest means. She gives up her lavish lifestyle for love, pinching pennies and cooking tofu dinners, while enduring the scorn and pity of her former "friends in fabulousness."

Then she learns her beloved grew up in India in his family's 100-room palace.

And it's all true! It's my writing teacher's first book. All of her students and fans are so excited for her. I borrowed an early, author's-proof copy to read, but I couldn't underline my favorite passages, and the proof didn't have the color photographs in it. Now I have my own copy to keep, complete with photos!

I love this picture of her on the roof of her husband's gently shabby palace:

Alison is the best teacher I could hope for. She's intelligent, sensitive, funny, and very supportive of all us fledgling writers:

And for the first time ever, I'm (kinda sorta) mentioned in an Author's Acknowledgements--I'm one of  the "Eastside Writers" group mentioned in paragraph #3.

Do yourself a favor and buy a copy today! You'll be transported on a magic carpet ride to exotic lands, and you'll experience a satisfying tale of love and the importance of finding your heart's true home.

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