Sunday, January 6, 2013

Junk Shop Teacups

On the way to my favorite second-hand bookstore, I passed a (new-to-me) shop selling vintage and well, junk. I stopped in to see what's what, and walked out with these two beauties. Two English bone-china teacups with matching saucers, in almost-perfect condition. And they were a steal, at only $10 each!:

I love this one because of the fluting and deep cobalt blue color:

And I love this one because of its unusual shape and matte black ground, an edgy look which tempers the sweetness of the granny-looking floral:

Yesterday The Boy, Lovely Daughter #2, and I celebrated by having afternoon tea outside in the back yard. The decorated sugar cubes, a gift from LD#2, are from Barbara Cheatley's:

What a gift, to be able to drink tea with one's children, outside on a sunny winter afternoon.

 It's even better in lovely teacups.

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