Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy Birthday, Nana

Today would have been my Nana's birthday. She was a woman of great strength, boundless love, and a fantastic sense of style. Here she is at 55 years old, not looking at all like a "granny":

She and I had birthdays only a week apart. What's more, when I turned 7, she turned 70; when I turned 18, she turned 81, and when I turned 29, she turned 92. Here we are with our "twin" cakes for her 70th, my 7th. I look terribly serious here, but I was just trying to slide the cake carefully onto the table!:

Here is Nana at my wedding, below, with her younger sister, Grace. She hated that she had to use a cane at 89 years old. I just remember how beautiful she looked:

Nana lived to be almost 93 years old. She was my hero, for being beautiful and stylish all her life. For carrying on in the face of enormous tribulations. and for loving me and approving of me unquestioningly.

Thank you, Nana. You were my rock. I love you, and I always will.

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