Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cute Pug Pics

Hi, folks! Here for your amusement is a roundup of cute pug photos I've run across recently. (Where I can, I've given photo credit. Please forgive me if I haven't found the original source to credit: some stuff on da Interwebs is reposted so often....)

From a Capital One ad campaign, a couple of google-eyed sweethearts. They may actually be Frenchies, but they look puggish enough to be included in my lineup:

From wickedwitchfromwestchester, this adorable pug in a hoodie:

This pug in jammies has apparently been kicking around da Net for a half year. I just ran across it recently. So, that counts as new for me, right?:

This ridiculously funny-looking loveball, below, is courtesy of Pug Nation Rescue of L.A., our local pug- and pug-mix rescue group. (They totally rock.) I'm not sure what you cross a pug with to get a black-and-white polka dotted cutie like this. Pug x mini Dalmation? Pug x polka-dotted pocket square?:

This image was taken in 2008 and remains one of my favorite pug photos of all time. Okay, okay; I'm cheating. This wasn't anything I saw recently. But I love it, 'k?

pug in bunny ears credit: chuchi carmelo

I don't believe I've ever shared this image before. It's my grand-niece and my pugs. Not a particularly terrific photo, but I adore how the body language and upward gaze is the same on all four chunks of cuteness:

This conga line? Ack. I don't know where I got it. (Sorry, person who captured this adorableness.):

This utterly epic photo is of the ever-patient Lily the Pug, from wombatarama:

This is from I love those baby's hats:

The Hubby bought me a half case of wine for my birthday a few weeks back. The label is based on a watercolor commissioned by the vintner, Pug Wines, in the Russian River Valley. The art is gorgeous and their Blanc is quite tasty:

The photo above is the label for their 2007 "Pug Blanc" wine. For 2008, the Pug Blanc label changed to this:

Cute, but I love the pug in the ginormous pearls best. Runner-up (in terms of artwork, anyhow) is their "Pug Pink":

Elsewhere, I found this tote (below) at my local mall. Adorable, but not practical. Within days, that white canvas would be grimy at the edges, and the cute pink bow on the pug would look a bit tattered, I fear:

But my hands-down favorite pug sighting lately? A photo session with my family and my pugs:

Left to right, that's Lovely Daughter #1 holding Won Ton, The Boy holding Pao Pao, and Lovely Daughter #2 holding Mu Shu.

LoveloveLOVE this. That is all.


  1. Hello! Can you tell me what store you saw the "Haute" pug purse at? I have been searching for that bag for close to 2 years...


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