Monday, December 31, 2012

Kicking Clothes--and Bad Habits?--To the Curb

The end of 2012 seems to be a good time for cleaning out the closets. Today I ran across two HUGE bags of clothing and bedding by the side of the road:

In the bags were a lot of men's solid-colored cotton polo shirts and tee shirts (size XL) and women's tees and tops (size small).

Even though everything was clean and neatly folded, they smelled of cigarette smoke. Euww! Off they went to Goodwill, pronto.

The parking lot at the Goodwill dropoff location was full--I'd never seen so many cars there! So, yay for cleaning out your closets. Boo to leaving your clothes by the side of the road. And maybe 2013 will be the year a couple of my neighbors kick the nicotine habit?

One can always hope.

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