Monday, November 12, 2012

Italian Blues, Rome Edition

Hello! I hope you're having a good Monday. But if you have the Monday Blues, here are some beautiful hues, to cheer your up in your eyeballs. I took these photographs on my recent trip to Italy. 

I love me some blues, no matter where I go.

Honor guard, Pantheon.

Workers resting.

Crane at Colosseum.

Art students, Colosseum.

Grabbing a drink from one of Rome's many public drinking fountains.

Map of the Bay of Naples, Vatican collections.

Closeup of a fresco, Vatican collections.

Floral delivery truck.

Public drinking fountain.

Columns, Roman Forum.

My plate and glass at lunch.

Pastries in window.

Cute car, Trastaverre neighborhood.

Liqueur bottle shaped like a shoe.

Various decorated bottles of liqueur.

Totes for sale, Rome's train station.

Side altar area, Santa Maria della Vittoria church.

Heavenly ceiling and arches, Vatican collections.

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