Sunday, August 5, 2012

Yo Yo Pileup

This past week, I've been sewing up scrap-fabric Yo Yo's whenever I get a few minutes.

It's a fun and easy way to use up little leftover bits of cloth. I love the way gingham looks when it's puckered up:

There's no method to the color scheme here; I'm just sewing up all the pre-cut circles from my current stash  of leftover scraps.

The completed Yo Yo's get tossed into a vintage basket that's slowly falling apart at the edges. It has taken on a deconstructed look that's kind of appealing:

There's a pile of cut circles, and a needle and thread next to me when I watch TV:

Know what goes together really well? Sewing up Yo Yo's and watching the Olympics on TV!

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