Saturday, August 4, 2012

More Santa Fe Blues

I was in Santa Fe in early April three years ago, and I fell in love. Back then, I blogged about All Things Blue in this beautiful little city.

This time, I visited in late July, I found more blue things--naturally! Here are some of my favorites:

Sage on our hosts' patio.

Signage, door, and fence, downtown Santa Fe.

Afternoon rainstorm, looking toward Los Alamos.

Blue spruce, I think? at our hosts' home.

Petunias in blue pot, Central Plaza.

Chasing cobwebs, portico of hotel off Central Plaza.

Afternoon rainstorm, looking toward Los Alamos.

Glass decorative bowls, gift shop, St. Francis Auditorium.

Table and chair on front porch, private home, downtown Santa Fe.

Painted wooden chest, courtyard, St. Francis Auditorium.

Afternoon rainstorm, from our host's patio.

Pickup and birdhouse, downtown Santa Fe.

Thunderheads at twilight.

Picket fence, downtown Santa Fe.

Detail, St. Francis Auditorium.

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