Friday, August 3, 2012


This is the bounty I plucked off just two cherry tomato bushes yesterday in our garden:

I am so jazzed! The bushes are positively dripping with small, intensely flavored tomatoes.

The variety is called "Super Sweet 100."

There must be over 150 bitty little tomatoes in this basket.

I am absolutely planting this variety again next year. These little gems are so high in natural sugars, it's almost like eating tomato-flavored candy.

And I have so many, I've been able to share them with the pugs as treats.

However, they don't think I've been quite generous enough.

Ha ha!


  1. Fun-NÉE! :-D. (and yumm-ee! )

  2. Very cute, Juli! I love the picture of the pugS!

