Friday, June 15, 2012


Even though I live in the middle of Los Angeles, 10 minutes away is a wild, beautiful canyon where I love to hike. These are the shoes I wear to hike the canyon. They look like the love child of a tennis shoe and a hiking boot.

After months of shooting pains down the back of my left leg, it occurred to me to take a closer look at my shoes:

Good grief! There's hardly any heel remaining on the left shoe! How did I let them get this way without noticing? (Well, I did have those shooting pains....)

Inside, the shoes aren't in much better shape. This is the back of the heel:

And the sole is almost entirely worn away. By contrast, that's one of my brand-new canyon-hiking shoes, below the worn one. Obviously, I should have bought the new ones months ago:

I may be the only woman I know who doesn't like shopping for shoes.


  1. Oh my! I hope the leg pains disappear now. According to my doctor (sports medicine specialist), physical therapist, and wonderful walking/running shoe store, a good 'rule of thumb' to follow is if you use them regularly the shoes should be replaced every 6 months. If I lose track and/or start having pains, I can always trace it to having waited too long.

  2. P.S. There are at least two of us who don't like shopping for shoes :-) -- too hard to find cushy comfort, proper support, and nice style all in one shoe -- especially as one gets older. I can remember our mother saying that someday I'd opt for comfort over style in shoes, and I said "Never, not I"; but she was right, and that time has come for me!
