Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Roadside Rescue, Pottery Edition

Yesterday before the summer heat wilted woman and beast alike, I took my pugs out for early-morning walks.

Aaaaand of course, we found stuff by the side of the road. (We are always finding stuff by the side of the road!). This time, it was three ceramic pots:

Mu Shu kept nosing in as I was trying to take photographs. He was certain that the only reason I'd put down something bowl-like on the ground was because there was something tasty inside.

A disappointed Mu Shu:

The first pot is a greenish-tan, low square-ish one, with feet at the four corners and a vaguely Asian feel to it:

In my imagination, I see it heaped with small pebbles and narcissi or hyacinths, come spring. Kind of like this:

photo credit: leedav, creative commons on

The next pot is more of a warm tan, and an oblong shape. It has a nice glaze that flows into the interior, about halfway down:

It could work for almost anything that doesn't demand deep roots. Sort of an all-purpose pot.

The last one has no drainage hole, so it's really a vase. It's a cheerful, deep yellow color and has a little twisty ridge on the outside:

Mu Shu just couldn't believe there was nothing in this vessel. He stared into it so hard!

So I took dropped a plain Cheerio into it. Mu Shu tried mightily to get at the Cheerio:

After laughing hysterically, I took pity on him and handed him the Cheerio. I stacked the pots up away from Mu to get one last shot. I'll take them off to Goodwill later.

They're nice, but not my color scheme.

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