Sunday, June 10, 2012

1,700 Hours

Back in October, these were the uniform workboots of my Lovely Daughter #2. Girl and Boots were just beginning their journey through a one-year commitment to City Year. She taught fifth-graders at one of the most under-served, toughest public elementary schools in Los Angeles:

Since October, she has clocked in 1,700 hours of teaching long division, supervising playground games, breaking up scuffles, and inspiring 11-year-olds to become all that they can. One thousand seven hundred hours later, her boots look like this:

As the boots have worn down, she has grown up--as an adult and an educator.

As the boots have gathered scuff marks, she has polished the vision of her future.

Last Friday, she and her fellow City Year corps members graduated, and now they are off to do great things. To add their wonderfulness to the world.

For Lovely Daughter #2 (third gal in from the left side, top row), this means flying off today to Harvard Divinity School, where she will pursue a Masters in Theological Studies.

Bon Voyage, young people! And go with all our love, Lovely Daughter #2.

Just come home for the holidays, okay?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, and heartfelt. Bon voyage, dear Niece. xoxo
