Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Watermelon with Goat Cheese, Basil, and Balsamic Vinegar

Yesterday I was craving something light and refreshing for lunch when I realized I had a baby watermelon and bits of leftover toppings from a pasta dinner the night before. I combined all the ingredients to make this delicious and unusual watermelon dish.

Cubes of ice-cold watermelon, crumbled herbed goat cheese, grated Parmeggiano-Reggiano cheese, fresh basil from my herb garden, and a thick, fairly sweet Balsmic vinegar (mine is flavored with fig). Toss all ingredients together in a large bowl and eat immediately.

I've read about this combo many times but never tried it before.

Oh. My. Stars! The sweetness of the melon, the sharp, salty tang of the P-R, the herb-y goodness of the goat cheese, the almost anise-like notes from the basil, and the bold-but-mellow presence of the vinegar:

Pefection. Simply Perfection. In the name of all that is delicious, please, PLEASE try this dish.

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