Sunday, May 20, 2012

Roadside Rescues, White Edition

This past week, my roadside rescues have all been shades of white or silver-gray. First, I found these stackable shelves set out on the curb of a busy street. I think they're made by Bed, Bath, & Beyond.

They were a little dusty but perfectly good. And just a week before, I was wishing I had a little more storage in my closet.

Funny, how the Universe delivers! Attached to one of the shelves was this really big, industrial-looking clip (cell phone shows relative size):

I think I'm going to keep it for something in The Boy's room. He has a few industrial-type accents in his decor, and this would fit in nicely:

The next thing I found was sticking up out of a huge recycling bin. It's a plaster pedestal, some three feet tall:

It has a chunk out of one corner, but that doesn't detract from its Shabby Chic look, for me.

I'm going to work it into my garden decor eventually. For right now, it's just holding up a pot of chives:

Swanky chives shot:

And last, I found this decorative wooden column set next to the plaster column. I love its shape and chippy, textured paint:

I like pairing rough and crusty things next to items with smooth, glossy surfaces, like glass, lacquer, or highly polished furniture.

Can't wait to see what pops up for me next!

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