Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Love

Today is Mothers' Day, and I am remembering my mother, Edna Margaret Ramsay Bliss, of blessed memory. Here is one of the first photographs of her at two months old. She's in the arms of her mother, Edna Agnese Condit Wright Ramsay Ramsay Lewis. (Nana married four times--two of them to my Grandpa Ramsay!)

My mother's mother--my Nana--learned to be a wonderful mother from her mother, my great-grandmother Anna Grace Barnum Wood. Here is Anna, holding her first grandchild--my mom.

That little baby grew up to be a good mom, too. Here she is with a very young me. In her eyes, I can see the exhaustion of a mother with a newborn and three other children, besides. But she hung in there!

Thank you, Mom, Nana, and Great-Grandmother Wood. Your love has flowed through four generations and has kept our families strong.