Monday, March 5, 2012

More Herbal Goodness

Quite a while back, I bought six huge turquoise ceramic planters from a housewares shop that was going out of business. I gave four of the huge pots to Lovely Daughters #1 and #2, who use them to grow their herbs.

But mine remained empty for a long time. Until last weekend. As her belated Valentine's Day gift to me, Lovely Daughter #1 accompanied me to the garden store, and to my friend C's, to pick up some potting mix and some of C's leftover herbs from her full-to-spilling-over herb garden.

Then LD#1 and I potted everything up and set them in a sunny spot on my porch.

Some of the leftover herb plants I got from C look pretty good, like this sage:

Some, like this oregano, are mostly sticks with just a few bits of green on them. But below the surface is a mature root ball ready to throw up quite a big plant, come late spring:

I never saw sage flowers or buds close up. They're very charming:

I run out each morning to take a look at the herbs, in hopes that they're ready to burst forth in an explosion of green.

Not yet, but soon!, they seem to say. After all, things take thyme.


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