Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Molasses by Mail

 A couple of days ago, a package arrived for me. Mu Shu and I were very excited.

"It's edible, isn't it?," Mu Shu seemed to say. Well, to a pug, there isn't much that isn't edible.

Yes, Mu, it's edible. It's old-fashioned dark molasses, the kind I need to make my mother's recipe for molasses cookies. It's getting very hard to find. None of my local grocery stores carry it any more, not even the hippie-dippy one.

God bless the Internet. I found it right away. I had to buy four bottles as a minimum purchase, but no worries: That just means more cookies! And because it has such a high sugar content, this stuff will keep for a long time.

Just looking at this little rabbit in his natty attire makes me so happy. Suddenly I'm eight years old, and something wonderful is about to come out of the kitchen.

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