Wednesday, January 18, 2012

An Abbey, a Countess, and a Toad

My favorite television show right now: "Downton Abbey," a PBS Masterpiece Classic.

My favorite line from the show: "You are a lady, not Toad of Toad Hall!"

It's uttered by Maggie Smith, as the Dowager Countess of Grantham.

The character she's referring to is in this childhood classic, "The Wind in the Willows." 

Love the show, love the quote, love this book.


  1. We like Downton Abbey also! Have you seen "Larkrise to Candleford"? It is, hands down, my absolute favorite BBC series - it can be rented from Netflex (all 4 discs). Try it, you'll like it. xo

  2. Funny, EVERYONE has been recommending Downton Abbey! It looks fantastic! I'm going to download the first few episodes this weekend as it is snowy and winter-y in Michigan! Thought about your D during our little cold snap! Brrrrr!
