Sunday, December 4, 2011

Winter Decorating, for Free

A few days ago, the city trimmed back the trees at the edge of our property that were too close to the high-power lines. I salvaged some of the branches, plunked them in a big glass vase, and brought them inside.

But they looked a little bare, so I scavenged around the house for something sparkly and winter-y to dress them up.

I found my answer in my closet: my costume jewelry!

Picking out everything that was silvery or pearl-colored, I clipped old earrings from the 1980s on the branches:

I threaded lockets over slender twigs:

And pinned brooches right onto the skinnier twigs:

Remember when big, huge brooches--often in starburst patterns--were all the rage? Yeah, I still have mine. They were too pretty to give away, and look how wonderful they look on the bare branches:

Some of the jewelry belonged to my mother and to her mother, too:

Some was made for me by my daughters when they were very young:

The silver, five-pointed star brooch is one I found in a pile of discarded stuff in my neighborhood:

I love how this look came together quickly and didn't cost me a single penny to create.

Sometimes the prettiest holiday decorations are right under your nose.


And when they're free, it's all the more reason to be merry!

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