Saturday, November 5, 2011

New Header

Hi folks,

While my mother is away on vacation, I figured it was the right time to change the blog header. Please forgive my utter absence from this lovely place; I'm deep in first-year medical school madness and haven't come up for air very often.

I haven't been so out of it, though, as to obliviously ignore the change of seasons! And although I haven't seen cherry blossoms in months, I somehow just managed to dash right through putting up a summer image--maybe because I was in Dubai, where it is always summer and never pretty.

But now it is surely autumn, even in temperate Los Angeles: the winds are blowing, the rain is falling, and my room is chilly when I wake up in the morning. I make a pot of hot tea every day. There's an extra blanket on my bed, and three adorably fuzzy snoring creatures attempting to sit on and around me as much as possible. And although that is certainly not only an autumn thing, it certainly feels lovely to have my own personal little foot-warmers on call when the days begin to have this certain snap to the air.

So happy autumn, friends.

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