Monday, September 26, 2011

Kahlua Buttercream Frosting

A pretty table...

...and a yummy cake. Something special is afoot!

Today was my Lovely Daughter #1's birthday! Such a wonderful young woman deserves a special birthday cake, so I made our family's favorite: Mrs. Abernathy's Chocolate Cake. To fill the cake between the three layers and to frost the entire thing, I did a double batch of Kahlua Buttercream Frosting (below).

This is such an easy frosting to make. If you can operate a mixer without sticking a finger in the moving beaters, you can create this. It beats that nasty stuff that comes in cans by a country mile--fresh, simple ingredients, and no chemicals or artificial colors!

Kahlua Buttercream Frosting

3 C. Confectioner's Sugar
1/3 C. butter, softened
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2-4 Tbsp. Kahlua

Dump all ingredients in a large mixing bowl and combine on low speed, then increase speed until mixture is thoroughly incorporated and a little fluffy.

Milk can be substituted for the Kahlua, if desired.

Tips for Frosting a Three-Layer Cake:

1. Let the cake layers cool completely after baking before attempting to frost them. I let them spend some time in the fridge; it helps.

2. Put a dollop of frosting on the serving plate or cake stand you intend to use before you set down your first layer. The frosting will prevent the cake from slipping around.

3. Stack the three layers top side up, top side down, and top side up again for the last layer, so there's a nice smooth surface to work with when you frost your cake.

4. Divide the frosting roughly in half. Set one half aside for the final coat. Using an offset spatula, if you have one, or a regular spatula or even a dinner knife, use the other half to fill the cake (two layers of frosting between the three cake layers), lightly frost the top, and frost the sides.

The offset spatula: a handy little tool.

Crumbs will show up in the side frosting; don't worry! This is called the "crumb coat," and it's okay.

The ugly-but-helpful crumb coat.

Crumb coat hardening up in the fridge. It's okay if crumbs show, at this stage.

5. Put the cake in the fridge for at least 20 minutes to chill the frosting so it's a little hard. Then remove the cake and use the remaining half of the frosting to cover the crumb coat with a second "coat" on the top and sides of the cake.

Twenty-five candles, and one to grow on.

Note: For a really generously frosted three-layer cake, double this recipe, above. You may have some frosting left over. Find a friend who's sad, and give them the leftover frosting, a box of their favorite cookies, and a knife. Sit down beside them, slather frosting on the cookies, and eat them together. You will both be cheered up. At least a little.

Happy birthday, LD#1!


  1. Lovely daughter! Lovely table! Yummy cake! Thanks for sharing! xoxo

  2. I've made this cake a few weeks ago accidentally :) I started for making devil's food cake but realized I did not have cacao and substituted it with instant coffee. Now I should try it with this cream and delicious bread! They look beautiful.
