Thursday, June 23, 2011

Omelets on the Deck

One of the joys of this place my family goes to every year in the High Sierra is the delicious food. (Well, there's also the delights of not having to meal plan, grocery-shop, prep, cook, wash dishes, and put them away, too. Even an enthusiastic cook like me enjoys time off from all that.)

But the food here, it's great. It's plentiful. And, if you don't watch out, it's insidious. You can run around all week long, hiking mountains, playing on the lake, chasing after kids, and still end up several pounds heavier than when you started out.

It's that good.

One of my favorite meals is "Omelets on the Deck," which happens twice a week. The student staff members set up propane burners outside on the large deck overlooking the lake. They put out a gajillion crocks filled with yummy options, and folks line up to get an omelet, cooked to order.

The possibilities are almost endless.

Humor is a big part of this place.

Oh, yum.

Yet more yum.

Some of these chefs never flipped an omelet in their lives before a week ago, but they're quick learners and good sports.

They are also aficionados of silly hats.

Here's somebody's omelet, approaching completion:

A quick flip over, and it's ready to slide onto the plate of an eager customer.

I was going to be all virtuous and order a veggie-only omelet, but then I clapped eyes on this:

Smoked Gouda. Smoked cheeses are my new passion. They are almost irresistible!

So I give myself partial credit: It was a veggie-laden, salsa-spiced omelet, with just a tinge of naughty.

At least I avoided the sausages.

1 comment:

  1. You definitely live the good life, my Dear! (or, in other words...."I'm SO jealous!"
